07 April, 2009

I Can't Hear You My Hair is too Loud!

So I uhm, changed my hair color. It's been several colors in the last few days actually, but this is about where it is. It's not as fantastic as Gwen Stefani, but I don't think I'll ever have that much hair again, no matter how much Rogaine my mother mails to me. And it is not as cool as the cute as a button Reese Witherspoon as Ginormica , but it will do for now.

Along with my haircolor, I have changed my attitude. I have just decided. (And in my head I can only hear Michael Card, sung by Amy Grant, from my Christian rock phase " I have decided" Which, by the way,  is a fun song to sing really loud in the car)

WoolfCamp at Grace's this past weekend, gave me a little perspective into another part of myself. It was a fantastic breath of fresh air.  Squid and I led a session on self-publishing and then in BarCamp style I attended other sessions with interesting people and discussion around Sarah's big adventure Genderfork, and the incomparable Susie Bright. I met new, interesting people, and had lots of neat discussions.

On the way home (thanks for driving Squid), Squid said, "I hope you feel like you've been kicking-ass lately. You are helping a lot of people." Which I still sort of squirm about, but I just need to get over it and say something more accepting than what I said, "I feel like I'm on the right path." Wow, I can barely convince myself with that statement, and I actually know everything that's going on in my head. And so, I have decided. I have decided to really try thinking believing that I am kicking ass; believe I am helping people.

So I have new hair (which is not a permanent change don't worry honey), and I have a new attitude.

and with that I am going to start my taxes. Lord. Help. Me.
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